The "block contact" option (found in Admin > Contacts) can be used to stop all communication with a specific parent or guardian through Parent Hub.
Blocking stops all three forms of message delivery from Parent Hub: app, email and SMS.
What happens to contacts who are on the app?
If you block a contact who is on the app, this immediately stops them receiving messages that are sent after the block is applied.
It doesn't delete their Parent Hub account as the parent may well be using it at another school or club, but instead removes their association with your school.
If the same contact is also receiving SMS or emails from you, the sending of these is blocked with immediate effect too.
What happens to contacts who are not on the app?
If they're receiving SMS and/or emails, the sending of these is blocked with immediate effect.
Blocked contacts won't be able to add their children in the Parent Hub app but blocking does not stop them from creating an account and joining your school channels as a non-parent. For this reason, please also monitor your Admin > App Followers page for 'Other Followers' and block if required.
What happens when I unblock a contact?
If the contact previously received your messages by SMS/email, they'll go back to receiving them this way. Their app registration at your school will not be restored, so they'll need to join the school again on the app.
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