What are App Quicklinks?
App Quicklinks is a feature which allows you to signpost and redirect parents to useful websites.
Find App Quicklinks in Admin > [App Content Hub] App Quicklinks or use the Dashboard shortcut.
Creating an App Quicklink
To create an App Quicklink, click on the Add Quicklink button. A popup with the heading 'Add a Quicklink' will appear as shown below:
Link type: Select the type of link you want to add, for example Learning Resources or Email Address.
Link name: Give the link a name e.g. "Parent Ofsted Survey", or "Admissions Officer"
Link address: Paste the website URL or email address here
You can add as many Quicklinks as you wish. Here's how they appear in the Parent Hub app:
For more tips on how to get the most out of Parent Hub, check out our other help guides. Want help with anything we've not covered? Why not let us know on support@parenthub.co.uk so we can write a new guide for you. Thanks!
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